Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • The role of race and scientific trust on support for COVID-19 social distancing measures in the United States

    Kazemian, S., Fuller, S., & Algara, C. (2021). The role of race and scientific trust on support for COVID-19 social distancing measures in the United States. PloS One, 16(7), e0254127.

  • The interactive effects of scientific knowledge and gender on COVID-19 social distancing compliance

    Algara, C., Fuller, S., Hare, C., & Kazemian, S. (2021). The interactive effects of scientific knowledge and gender on COVID-19 social distancing compliance. Social Science Quarterly, 102(1), 7-16.

  • Assessing the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine lotteries: A cross-state synthetic control methods approach

    Forthcoming at PloS One

  • Nail in the Coffin or Lifeline? Evaluating the Electoral Impact of Covid-19 on President Trump in the 2020 Election

    Forthcoming at Political Behavior

  • Voluntary International Migration

    Money, J., Kazemian, S., Taylor, T. W. (2019). Voluntary international migration (pp. 1-59). Oxford University Press.

  • Social Status and Gendered Pathways to Citizenship

    Revise and Resubmit at International Migration Review